
10th Malaysian Plan

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10th Malaysian Plan > page 186

Integrating Persons with

Disabilities into Society

The number of registered PWDs has grown from

98,452 in 2000 to 283,204 in 2009, though

estimates by the World Health Organisation

indicate that actual numbers are up to ten times

as large. Mainstreaming PWDs into development

activities is an important element of a progressive

society. The Plan will focus on integrating PWDs

into society to enable them to be independent,

productive and valued contributors.

Greater efforts will be made to provide easy

physical access to transportation and buildings

for a more disabled-friendly environment. This will

be done through the adoption of universal design

standards in buildings, public spaces and parks.

Existing community-based rehabilitation centres

will be upgraded to one-stop service centres which

will provide more comprehensive services such

as registration of PWDs, disability screening and

detection, referral services, vocational trainings, job

placements and dissemination of information on

disabilities. Furthermore, the PDKNet programme

will be improved to strengthen community-based

rehabilitation through multimedia technologies

and ICT.

The Government will also seek to provide greater

employment opportunities for PWDs. In line with

this, the Government will actively pursue its target

of 1% disabled employment in the civil service.

Other existing programmes such as Job Coach

will be broadened to ensure sufficient coverage

to effectively assist PWDs in seeking, obtaining

and retaining positions in open employment,

through ICT programmes such as an electronic

labour exchange system for PWDs operated by

the Labour Department. The Government will

also look into establishing specialised learning

institutions and vocational schools dedicated to


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